Saturday, October 12, 2013

Do You Want Some Imagery with That?

    I love good stories. I love good plot lines. When I sit and write for myself, I get caught up in the story. I love the dialogue and the interaction between characters, this probably from my theater background. However, I have a hard time describing the setting. Using imagery to convey the right image. In my mind, I know exactly where my characters are. I feel getting bogged down in the setting and imagery takes away from the story, slows down the reader.  In Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness the reader is lost in the scenery. I literally felt like I was trekking through the jungle trying to get through that novel. I wanted more story, more action.

    Yet when I write, I get comments like "describe this more." I know I have way more growing up to do when it comes to writing, but I guess I'm not in it for the imagery. Yes, I want the reader to know where we are and know what the characters look like, but after being in English class after English class, I'm tired of the literary jargon.  I want my readers to get caught up in the story, to love the characters and debate about what happens next. I want them to think about the big picture instead of  "need more abstract metaphors here."
    This post is in part a rant. I know I need to be open, more accepting of constructive criticism. I guess I'm still frustrated at myself for not being able to convey my feelings through a text. One day I will, and I will look back and say "Jessie you did suck at writing that particular scene, stop being so butt hurt."

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